What are the cash basis and accrual basis, and what is the difference between them?

What are the cash basis and accrual basis, and what is the difference between them?

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In a world full of different ideas and opinions, the accrual and cash basis seem to have become concepts linked to controversy and contradiction, as they are the basis behind the construction and formation of our ideas and beliefs, but they are also the force that drives us to be constantly improving.

When we talk about accrual, we mean the right or honor that a person deserves based on his or her work and accomplishments. It is the lever that propels us to the next level, since it motivates us to thrive and succeed.

However, accrual basis is likely to be a relative concept, as it relies on values and standards that we consider important in our societies, and cash basis is a powerful tool for critical thinking and analysis, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses and potential improvement of an idea, product, or work of art.

What is the difference between accrual basis and cash basis?

In order to know the difference between the accrual basis and the cash basis, we must first know the definition of each, and the answer can be summarized as follows:

Definition of accrual basis.

It is the accounting principle that governs the recording of financial transactions based on the date of the event, regardless of whether cash is paid or received. This principle is one of the most important foundations that contribute to the accuracy and reliability of institutions’ financial records.
When the accrual basis is used, all revenue and costs created within a given period, whether earned or paid in cash at the time, are recorded.

When is the accrual basis made?

The accrual basis is made when transactions are recorded during their occurrence, provided that this is before any cash payment is made, whether as expenses or income.

Definition of cash basis

It is the accounting principle that focuses on recording and keeping financial and accounting transactions when a collection or cash payment of the amounts due occurs, as financial operations are recorded in the accounting books only after the occurrence of cash flows, whether they are cash payments or receipts.

When is the cash basis used?

A cash basis is used when the costs or revenues that relate to a transaction are documented only when money is spent or actually collected.

Advantages and disadvantages of accrual and cash basis

What are the benefits of an accrual basis? 

The accrual basis is a significant instrument in financial management and financial planning for businesses and organizations, and we will go over some of its key benefits below:

Provide a future financial vision. 

The accrual basis combines current accounting data to provide a future picture of the organization’s expected financial performance, allowing management and officials to make informed strategic decisions and establish financial goals and future orientations.

Improving the effectiveness of financial management 

One of the benefits of using the accrual basis is that it improves financial management efficiency by organizing and analyzing financial statements in a systematic manner, allowing the organization to identify potential financial problems, deal with them before they escalate, improve financial operations, and reduce unnecessary costs.

Provide a good perspective on the institution’s financial status. 

By systematically analyzing financial statements, the accrual basis can provide an accurate and comprehensive view of the organization’s financial position, including estimating assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses, as well as analyzing financial models and key financial ratios such as profitability, liquidity, and financial reconciliation.

Differentiate between capital and revenue expenditures.

The accrual basis is a powerful tool for differentiating between capital expenditure and revenue, helping the organization identify long-term capital investments, such as the purchase of assets and equipment, and better allocate resources according to its financial priorities.

Estimates for future financial periods

The accrual basis analyzes the current financial statements, extracts the financial trends and patterns that can be used to estimate future financial periods, as the organization can use these estimates to develop its financial plans, and sets future targets and directions.

Planning for the preparation of costs and expenses

An accrual basis can help plan and determine the costs and expenses of future operations and activities, improve resource management and financial planning, and achieve financial efficiency.

Follow-up work

The accrual basis can be used to continue working on the organization’s future projects and activities, which helps in analyzing financial performance, comparing it to past expectations, and taking corrective action if necessary to achieve financial objectives.

Disadvantages of accrual basis

Although the accrual basis offers numerous benefits, it also suffers from significant downsides and obstacles, which are listed below:


The accrual basis is expensive for small and medium-sized enterprises, as the implementation of this basis requires an advanced accounting system and skilled accounting staff to ensure that financial operations are properly recorded in accordance with accrual principles.


The accrual basis is somewhat subjective, as it depends on estimates to determine the value of income and expenses. This means that there is room for personal influence and the accountant’s opinion in determining the value of various financial elements, which can lead to a lack of standardization of accounting practices and achieving integration and objectivity in the financial statements.

Negative impact on financial position and liquidity

It may lead to an imbalance in the financial position of the institution and the position of cash liquidity. For example, if income is recorded in the current period and the related funds have not yet been received, this may lead to an increase in debt receivable and a decrease in the cash liquidity available to the institution; this can negatively affect its ability to meet its existing financial obligations.

Delayed provision of financial information

Due to the challenges faced by the accrual basis in recording financial transactions based on their dates, it can cause delays in providing financial information about the accounts of the fiscal year until they are settled.

There may be a need to review and audit many financial operations and transactions to determine the actual entitlement to income and expenses, and it is worth noting that this delay in providing financial information can negatively affect the predictability and strategic decision-making in the organization.

What are the advantages of a cash basis?

It can be summarized as follows:

Low cost

The cash basis is characterized by a relatively low cost compared to some other accounting principles; it does not require complex knowledge of accounting principles or the use of advanced accounting systems, and small companies and institutions can benefit from this basis without the need for additional costs to develop the accounting infrastructure.

An accurate picture of the cash that exists. 

The cash base gives companies and institutions an accurate picture of the cash currently available; it records revenues and expenses based on cash received or actually paid; this facilitates the analysis, assessment, and better management of cash flows.


When this basis is used, inventory transfers are recorded based on actual cash payments, which helps track available quantities and determine the actual cost of inventory.

Disadvantages of the Cash Basis 

It can be summarized as follows:

  • Failure to provide information and data that illustrate short- and long-term vision.
  • Ignore debts and expenses.
  • Non-discrimination of capital expenditures and current expenditures.
  • Difficulty predicting the costs of future projects and activities of the enterprise.
  • Lack of interest in the cash basis in accounting cycles.
  • Increased spending and financial instability.
  • Obstruction of oversight and legal accountability.


In the midst of the challenges of the modern era, the accrual and cash basis remain fundamental pillars that form the basis of our development and progress, as they are the compass that guides us towards success and continuous improvement, and the tools that help us achieve the best in ourselves and in our societies, when we adopt the basis of merit as a measure of excellence and promotion; We are able to identify the efforts and contributions due to the individual; thus promote the spirit of healthy competition, deepen our love of learning and continuous improvement, in addition, it acts as a motivational tool that gives us motivation to achieve personal and professional goals, and on the other hand, cash basis is a necessary tributary for development and progress, as it is an opportunity for us to grow and develop, and also to develop our ideas and business to new levels of excellence.

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Now that you know what the accrual basis and cash basis are and the difference between them, try Qoyod now for free for 14 days, and you won’t regret it.


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