Export/Import Accounts
Exporting accounts
Exporting charts of accounts helps accountants submit reports and share them with the staff of the accounting department or the audit department in the annual inventory. You can also modify your chart of accounts through Excel, as well as knowing the Parent and sub-accounts.
You can export your chart of account accounts by selecting “Chart of Accounts” from the “Accounting” dropdown menu
then clicking on “Export Accounts” at the top of the “Chart of Accounts” page.
Qoyod allows you to upload your chart of accounts in PDF format to ensure that it is not modified. You can do that by clicking on “Download PDF “ on the “Chart of Accounts” main page.
Importing accounts
This feature is useful for it allows you to import your “Chart of Accounts” data and upload it to Qoyod.
You can import accounts by selecting “Chart of Accounts” from the “Accounting” dropdown menu.
Then you will be automatically directed to the main page of the “Chart of Accounts”, where you can import accounts by clicking on the “Import Accounts” icon.
You will be directed to the “Import accounts from excel sheet” page, where you are required to follow the steps displayed:
The first step: Download XLSX, where an Excel file will be downloaded as shown in the image below after entering the required number of accounts to be uploaded.
The second step: Fill out the template by entering the information according to the fields.
1- Code: Choose the appropriate code and make sure that it is not previously used in the chart of accounts in Qoyod.
2- Then, fill in the Arabic and English names.
3- Level: The level is determined according to your chart of accounts in case you want a sub-account for another account.
4- Parent Account (Code): Specify the code of the parent account, from which the new account will be branched to be linked to it.
5- Account type: When determining the type of account, you must ensure that it is compatible with the parent account of the account to be added, by adding an account in the “Chart of Accounts” and checking the list of account types for each branch account.
6- Description
7-Accept Payments: Indicate whether this account accepts payments.
Notice: If the account accepts payment, it is not possible to create sub-accounts out of it.
You can upload the entire “Chart of Accounts” with its “Parent” and sub-accounts in the same template, and it will be linked automatically upon import.
The third step: Save the Excel file and then re-upload it to Qoyod through the “Import” icon. Then, your “Chart of Accounts” will be uploaded and you will receive a message stating the success or failure of the import process. If some errors are found, the Excel file needs to be modified and uploaded again